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The 3 Best Ways that Landscape Lighting Can Improve Your Property

Written by Jarod Hynson, President | Feb 23, 2017 2:00:00 PM

There’s no question that landscape lighting can seriously boost the curb appeal of your property. By lighting up key architectural features of your home and some of your beautiful plant material or trees, you can transform your property in the evening hours. The right outdoor lighting contractor will know how to make your property truly spectacular.

While the curb appeal factor alone brings tremendous value and makes landscape lighting services worth the investment, there are some other key reasons to consider it as well.

Here are three of the best ways, aside from aesthetics, that landscape lighting can improve your property in Reading, York, Hershey or Lancaster, PA.


1. Landscape Lighting Extends Your Outdoor Living Space

Outdoor living has been the single hottest trend in landscaping since 2009 and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. With so many homeowners adding outdoor kitchens and living rooms, it makes sense to also incorporate outdoor lighting in order to make those spaces more functional and extend their use well into the evening hours.

With so many different types of niche products on the market, we can light up your outdoor space to make it work best for you. That might mean incorporating cap lighting under kitchen counters or in bar areas or adding downlighting from within roofed structures like pergolas or pavilions.

Your landscape lighting system can even be setup with different zones, all which can be controlled by your smart phone. That way if you’re having a big party you can have the place lit up but if you’re spending some quiet time with the family, you can keep the lighting more subtle for some ambiance. It can be catered to your needs with the controls literally at your fingers.

2. Landscape Lighting Provides Safety & Security

According to the FBI, home invasions are the most common household threat, with a burglary occurring every 13 seconds.

A well-lit property is an easy way to deter those intruders as they’ll simply move on to a home that does not have strategic outdoor lighting. In the suburban and rural areas that we service, many homes do tend to be in darker, more secluded (sometimes even wooded) areas and adding lighting provides a critical layer of protection.

Landscape lighting also increases safety by lighting up walkways, stairways, and driveways and reducing trip and fall accidents. In addition, it can be strategically used to light up and line walkways, leading guests safely to your home or to line driveways making a difficult-to-navigate drive easier to see.

3. Landscape Lighting Enhances Smart Home Capabilities

These days automation is making our lives easier and it’s no different with outdoor lighting. With smartphone technology, landscape lighting can literally be controlled at the push of a button, making it simpler than ever to be enjoying time outside rather than spending time getting things ready. Lighting technology has come so far that we can give every single light on your property its own identification in the system, allowing you to control each and every light individually.

That means you no longer have to go around and make changes to the lighting to get things set up for a party or to enjoy time outdoors with your family.

We can preset all the controls on your phone so that all you need to do is push a button to control various zones, change the intensity of dimming lights, or even change the light colors. The latest lighting technology has color changing capabilities allowing you to create themes for parties or holiday decorating. That kind of customization provides an extreme dose of wow factor.

It’s also worth noting that modern LED landscape lighting is extremely energy efficient.   As many as 150 fixtures at a single property only costs about $40 each year to light areas from dusk to dawn.

These fixtures aren’t just about trees and shrubs anymore either! Similar low-voltage outdoor lighting can also be installed within pavilions, walls, pergolas and other outdoor hardscape elements.


(RELATED READING:  How Much Does Landscape Lighting Cost? Upfront and Ongoing Costs)


Custom Landscape Lighting Design

Adding landscape lighting is a wise investment whether you have an existing outdoor living area or you’re planning to add one. In the grand scheme of things, it is a small add-on that carries a huge return on enjoyment.

Earth, Turf, & Wood installs professional grade FX landscape lighting along with the FX Luminaire Luxor ZDC automated system. This system allows more customization than any other systems you’ll find on the market today. See this system featured in the video below:



Video courtesy of Hunter FX Lighting

Having outdoor lighting installed on your property means working with a highly skilled  landscape lighting contractor. True outdoor lighting is so much more than installing a few spotlights in your yard. It’s about strategic placement, artistic design, and access to the latest technology and products.

It is this combination that provides the biggest impact on value, one you won’t find with most landscape lighting companies in Lancaster, York, Hershey or Harrisburg.

When it comes to outdoor lighting services, we aim to provide the same level of excellence and ingenuity as we offer with our other services. We also provide a try-it-before-you-buy-it option if you’d like to see what your property will look like with outdoor lighting!

If you’re looking to light up your outdoor living area, check out our pictures of landscape lighting projects for some more inspiration. You can also schedule a free consultation or get in touch with us at (717) 276-9447 to get the conversation started.